Selune Shadowheart Parents: All Choices & Outcomes | Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)

This article will guide you on all possible Choices & Outcomes concerning Selune Shadowheart’s parents. What happens whether or not you should save Shadowheart’s parents in the Baldur’s Gate 3 Daughter of Darkness quest?

End their Suffering

In Baldur’s Gate 3, you can choose whether to save or sacrifice Shadowheart’s parents during the quest “Daughter of Darkness”. You technically have four options. The first and third options are mentioned below

1st Option: “You should end their and your suffering.

2nd Option: “This is your choice, Shadowheart. You don’t need me to tell you what is right

If you choose one of these two options, Shadowheart will End their Suffering and transform her parents’ spirits into Moonmotes, which means they will always be with her even though they died.

She will be extremely unhappy and she will cry in front of a statue of Selune. Shar’s hold over your cleric will be lesser. The fourth option “Remain silent” will also result in the same.

Save Shadowheart Parents

In BG3, the second option is to save rather than sacrifice Shadowheart’s parents. Second option: “Do not lose your parents, not again. The pain can be handled.

If you intend to save Shadowheart’s parents, you must first pass [Religion] or [Persuasion]. Arnell and Emmeline will come to live in the camp after passing the DC check.

After a long break, you’ll witness an emotional reconciliation between Shadowheart and her parents. While this conclusion holds various positive aspects, it will, however, prevent you from progressing further in Shadowheart’s subsequent quest.

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