Siding with Ularu vs. Masako (Ryujin Industries Questline) | Starfield

  • Post published:September 7, 2023
  • Post category:Starfield

This article will provide guidance on the choice between Masako and Ularu in Starfield and the rewards available with both choices.

Siding with Ularu

If you choose Ularu, she will take Masako’s role as CEO of the Ryujin Industries faction. She will award you 16.4k Credits.

Choosing to align with Ularu may bring unique chances and objectives, leading you down a different route than more diplomatic or covert ones. You will get access to the office and the mission board without the need for stealth. It also grants access to special talents, technology, or resources that may provide advantages, perhaps increasing your power and influence.

Siding with Masako

If you choose Masako then she will remain in the role as CEO of the Ryujin Industries faction. She will award you 18.4k Credits. You will get access to the office and the mission board.

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