“Signal Spike” is a side quest in Horizon Forbidden West. The quest is pretty straightforward except for the part where you will have to find the entrance to the cavern in the canyon. This part has left many players baffled and confused. This guide shows how to complete the “Find an Entrance to the Cavern” objective in the “Signal Spike” side quest in Horizon Forbidden West.
How to Find an Entrance to the Cavern
Once you have found the source of signal in the canyon, you will have to find an Entrance to the Cavern in the canyon. Use focus and locate the purple circle. It will inform you about a Rock Barrier (Loosely piled rocks, obstructing access. Can be cleared with prying force).

The location of this rock barrier is shown in the pictures below. Go near the rock barrier and pres R2 to pry it open using your spear. Then go inside and dive into the water. Swim to the other side to find the crate containing the source of the signal.