Mission 4 War Factory: All 19 Collectibles Location Guide | Sniper Elite 5

This Guide will show you the locations of all 19 collectibles in Mission 4 – War Factory of the game Sniper Elite 5 (2022). 

#1 – Personal Letter 1/6: Klaus! You Idiot

It is inside a small building on a bridge near the dam, on the northwest part of the map.

#2 – Personal Letter 2/6: The Suspense

It is found inside “Maschinenraum Kontrollraum” (generator room) which is located in the northern part of the map. Personal Letter – The Suspense is near a radio equipment.

#3 – Hidden Item 1/3: Gold Pocket Watch

It is located on the the north-eastern part of the scrapyard area on a pile of steel beams.

#4 – Classified Document 1/4: No More Games

Head futher northeastern part of the scrapyard from the previous location. Classfied document is placed on top of a pile of steel beams near some rail tracks.

#5 – Classified Document 2/4: Increase Security

Head to the smelting main factory building and you will find the classified document in one of the room “Kontrollraum” on the eastern side of the factory. You can loot the key from one of the enemy in the area or use satchel charges to blast through the door.

#6 Workbench 1/3: Pistol

Workbench can be found directly next door “Kontrollraum” (previous location) in Armoury Room “Waffenkammer”.

#7 – Personal Letter 3/6: Your Order Awaits

It is located in the middle part of the map on the ground level and at the corner of an industrial structure.

#8 Workbench 1/3: Rifle

Take the steel ladder to go upstair near the Personal Letter #7 to find a door that you can lockpick. A chamber is hidden behind the door, with a ladder leading down to the workbench.Climb down in the chamber using the ladders to find the workbench.

#9 – Personal Letter 4/6: Losing The Time

From the northern end, enter the big hall located at the center of the map with a blue optional objective circle around it. Climb up the ladder above “Kontrollraum” (control room) and collect the item from the desk.

#10 – 11 Stone Eagle 1/3 & 2/3

You can hit both the stone eagle from the marked location.

#12 – Classified Document 3/4: Bureaucratic Oaf

In the central part of the map and east of rail tracks, you will find a building near a wooden watch tower. Go upstairs to collect the documents.

#13 – Workbench 3/3: SMG

Climb the ladder from the northside of the building, as marked on the map. Either loot the officer next to the building for the key or use Satchel Charge to open the door.

#14 Stone Eagle 3/3

It is on top of building located outside the map area in the souther part of the map.

#15 Personal Letter 5/6: Sheers’ Notebook 

Head to the blast furnace, and go upstairs to find a room on the western side. Personal letter is on the desk.

#16 Personal Letter 6/6: Sheers’ Notebook 

Inside trainyard office on the eastern side, as marked on the map.

#17 Hidden Item 2/3: Stealth Plating

You can find it on top of some stacked wooden boxes inside shipping warehouse, as marked on the map.

#18 Classified Document 4/4: Shipping Orders

Head to the upper section of the shipping warehouse to find the classified documents. You can loot the safe key from an nearby officer or blow the door open with Satchel Charges.

#19 Hidden Item 3/3: P.1000 Ratte Plans

It is located upstairs on the western side of a big hall in the south of the map area as marked below. Hidden item is at the end on a wooden cart.

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