- Move forward in the only available path. You’ll meet Lea, Eleanora & Stela in the path and learn that they were all figment of your imagination
- Finally you’ll reach the beast lair
Beast Lair
- Hide behind the rocks until the beast goes away.
- Turn left and climb on the wall, Then pass through the big steel pipe.
- Use Statis Totem to create a shield between yourself and the beast so that it doesnt see you as you move forward.
- Move ahead and climb the wall
- Keep moving and you’ll find another wall. Climb it.
- Move ahead and you’ll see another wall. Before climbing it use statis totem near the tree on the left side (See Picture 1 Below). This will create the pathway after you’ll need after climbing the wall.
- Climb the wall. Move through the new path created by the statis totem.
- As you move forward the beast will attack you and you’ll fall down.
- The game ends here

Ending 1:When You Destroy The Hearts (Bad Ending)
After you fall down after the beast attacks you, you’ll wake up and and see yourself in front of a cloud monster. It will take you underground through an elevator and you’ll see that you’ve yourself become a cloud monster.
Ending 2:When You Purify The Hearts (Break The Clock)
- After you climb the final wall, you’ll automatically pick up a cross in the front.
- As you move ahead after that, the beast will attack you and you’ll fall down and find yourself in front of the clock.
- Use the cross that you picked up to break the clock. This will destroy the beast and the area will flood with water. You’ll drown and die.
Ending 3:When You Purify The Hearts & Listen To The Whispering Flies In The Chapter 11 Bunker (Stop The Clock)
- After you climb the final wall, you’ll automatically pick up a cross in the front.
- As you move ahead after that, the beast will attack you and you’ll fall down and find yourself in front of the clock.
- There is a socket on the right side of the clock. Interact with it.
- This will open up another socket in front on the clock. Insert the cross in the socket.
- This will stop the clock and little after that clock arms will start rotating in the opposite direction (Indicating reversal of time) and you’ll find yourself in the front of the forest inside the car when the game started.
- Exit the car to finish the game.
Ending 4:Unite With Stela
- You get this ending when you’ve decrypted all the pages of Stela’s Diary
- In this ending, after you climb the final wall you wont be attacked by the beast. Move forward and enter the room in the front. Inside you’ll play cards with Stela and the game will end.
Ending 5: Secret Ending
- You get this ending at the chapter 1 itself. At the beginning of the game instead of going into the forest, turn back and go in the opposite direction. Daniel will say “Fuck it I am going back home” and the game will end.