This guide shows how to get all 5 Minikits and all 3 Level Challenges in the Stay on Target mission in the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
Stay on Target: Minikit 1/5
This Minikit will fly past you in the trench as shown in the picture below. Shoot it to get the Minikit.

Stay on Target: Minikit 2/5
This one will also fly past you in the trench as shown below. Shoot it to get the Minikit.

Stay on Target: Minikit 3/5
As soon as you exit the trench, turn left and shoot the panel by the exhaust port to get the Minikit.

Stay on Target: Minikit 4/5
Destroy 4 Satellites on the 4 walls as shown below in the final area to get the Minikit.

Stay on Target: Minikit 5/5
You will find this one around the corner in the final area as shown below. Shoot it to get the Minikit.

Stay on Target: All Level Challenges
Clever Flying
Details: Use a “loop maneuver” to break out of Darth Vader’s targeting systems 3 times.
Wait until you see the targeting systems pointer on the screen as shown in the picture below. When the pointer has locked into the ship, press LB and RB at the same time on the controller to perform the “loop maneuver”. Do this 3 times to complete the challenge.

Hope That’s Insured
Details: Destroy 10 turrets while doing the trench run.
You will find turrets on the walls of the trench as shown below. Turrets are also on the center towers in the trench. Destroy 10 of these turrets to complete the challenge.

That’s Not Going to Buff Out…
Details: Cause Severe Damage to Darth Vader’s ship.
Shoot TIE Fighter ships as shown in the picture below to complete the challenge.