In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Sunyshore City has another gym puzzle for you. This walkthrough and screenshots of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Sunyshore City gym will assist you in quickly completing the ice puzzle.
In this gym puzzle, you must progress through three different levels/floors and battle various trainers before you can challenge Volkner, the gym’s leader. To reach different trainers and Volkner, you must rotate metal (cogwheel ) gears on all three floors/levels.
Cogwheel/Gears have buttons of different colors, and each rotates at a different angle and direction.
Green Button: Rotate 90 degree and Anti-Clockwise
Blue Button: Rotate 90 degree and Clockwise
Red Button: Rotate 180 degree and Clockwise
Level/Room 1:
- Step on the green button on the right (east) side first. Then, step on the button on the left (west). Go and fight with the gym trainer on Level 1

Level/Room 2:
- Step on the blue button three times. It will turn the cogwheel on the left into a stair through which you can pass. Pass through it to reach the other side and fight with the gym trainer.

- Step on the blue button near the trainer, and then the green button. Fight the trainer with guitar near the stairs on the right side. Go upstairs and fight with another trainer before moving to the next room.

Level/Room 3
- Step on the red button on the right (east) side once, and step on the red button on the left side (west). Fight off the trainer.

- Climb the stairs on the left until you reach the top. Fight off the trainer again at the left top. Then, step on the green button twice.

- Step on the blue button, and go down using the stairs on the right. Fight off the trainer.

- Continue going down and step on the red button at the bottom right (east).

- Climb back to the top using the stairs. Use the bridge to reach Gym Leader Volkner’s location.