Teticpak Peak – 3 Monetoo Chest Puzzle | Genshin Impact

This article offers a step-by-step guide on locating all three Monetoo at Teticpak Peak in the Natlan area to unlock the chest in Genshin Impact 5.0.

Teticpak Peak Chest Puzzle

In the northern part of Teticpak Peak, as shown in the image below, players can spot a ruined structure and a Monetoo. If you can locate all three Monetoos in the area and guide them to their resting places on top of the ruins, a precious chest will appear.

1) Monetoo

The first Monetoo is easy to spot; it’s on the wall of the ruined building on the left side.

2) Monetoo

For the second Monetoo, climb up the ruins on the right side of the tower. Transform into Yumkasaurus and move the stone cube out of the way to release the trapped Monetoo.

3) Monetoo

For the third Monetoo, collect the grappling hook from the previous stone cube, then drop down to the ground. Move the stone cube blocking the cage to free the last Monetoo.

Once you guide all three Monetoos, a precious chest will appear on top of the ruins.

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