This guide will show you where to find all of the Collectibles in the area of “The Barren” in God of War Ragnarok released on November 8th, 2022. There are 18 Collectibles in “The Barren” which is part of the area of Alfheim.
This guide is meant to be used after you’ve finished the story. When you first visit the region you will be lacking unlockable skills
1) Favor: Secret of the Sands
This favor is available during your first visit to this place – Secret of the Sands Guide
2) Artifacts (Tributes to Freyr – Harp)
Head southwest in this region and squeeze through a gap to find it in a small side area. You will find the artefact is on the ground.

3) Legendary Chest (Rönd of Affliction – Shield Attachment)
In the same room. Clear out the 3 red glowing sacks to access the chest.

4) Remnants of Asgard
It only spawns after finishing the main story. Go to the marked location to find him.

5) Berserker Gravestone (Amulet Enchantment: Asgard’s Security + Armor: Berserker Cuirass + Frozen Flame)
Go to the eastern side of the region to find Berserker Gravestone.

6) Lore (Lore Marker – Gulon Cull)
It is behind the Berserker Gravestone.

7) Buried Treasure (Treasure Map – Vulture’s Gold)
Go in the northeast direction to find the Buried Treasure inside the big dragon head. To spawn the treasure, you must first obtain the Treasure Map, which can be obtained from the Lore Scroll collectible found in Alfheim > The Canyons – (Treasure Map – Vulture’s Gold)

8) Lore (Lore Marker – The Desert of Our Ignorance)
Climb up into the ledge inside the dragon’s head to find Lore.

9) Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems – Celestial Construct)
Climb up another ledge near the previous item (Lore) to find the artefacts.

10) Legendary Chest (Belt of Radiance – Waist Armor)
It is next to the Artifact.
11) Odin’s Raven
Odin’s Raven is sitting in the eye of the big Dragon Skull.

12) Nornir Chest
The Nornir chest is on the north side of the area inside a structure as shown in the pictures below. To reveal the chest, you will need to first destroy the red glowing sap inside the building as shown in the second picture below. After that, ignite 3 torches above the seals to unlock the chest.

The location of the three torches is shown in the pictures below. Torch #1 is on the north side of the structure. Torch #2 is on the left side of the structure. Torch #3 is at the top of the structure. Torch 1 & 2 can be ignited using your blade. To ignite Torch #3, glow the explosive barrel next to it. This will unlock the chest. Open the chest to get a Horm of Blood Mead.

13) Lore (Lore Marker – The Tower’s Purpose)
Head east from the big Dragon Skull to find a little tower building. Lore is on the back side near the wall.

14) Artifact (Tributes to Freyr – Horn)
It is next to Lore Marker (glows purple).

15) Odin’s Raven
Sitting on a dead tree near the same little tower building.

16) Lore (The Lost Pages)
On the ground of the same little tower building. Just below the raven.

17) Legendary Chest (Gauntlets of Radiance: Wrist Armor)
In the same little tower building neat the raven.

18) Draugr Hole (Chaos Spark)
Head in the southwest direction to find the Draugr Hole on a rock.