This guide will show you how to solve the Chasm Stone Pressure Plates Puzzle in the game of Genshin Impact 2.6. This puzzle can be found west of the Stony Halls area at the location marked below. This Pressure Plates Puzzle is very easy to solve.
Chasm Stone Pressure Plates Location
Chasm Stone Pressure Plates can be found south of the Stony Halls area. Head to the marked area and then glide your way across the gap to reach the glowing purple portal on the other side.

Enter inside the small glowing purple portal and eliminate all the enemies.

Inside you will find an unlit single pressure tile on the ground. Stand on this tile to trigger the puzzle and other tiles of the puzzle will also appear.

Solving this puzzle is rather very easy, you just need to walk from the first tile to the third tile of the same row and then proceed to the next row. In the next row, walk from the right tile to the left tile.

Do the same for all the tiles in other rows:
3rd Row: Walk left to right
4th Row: Walk right to left
5th Row: Walk left to right
You will solve the puzzle, once you walk on all five-row in the sequence without any break. A Precious Chest will spawn as a reward.