This guide shows how to get all 5 Minikits and all 3 Level Challenges in The Hunt for Jango mission in the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
The Hunt for Jango: Minikit 1/5
As the level starts, look directly above the objective marker and you will see an oddly shaped asteroid as shown in the picture below. Destroy it to get the Minikit.

The Hunt for Jango: Minikit 2/5
This Minikit is on the side of the asteroid with the objective marker as shown in the picture below.

The Hunt for Jango: Minikit 3/5
Destroy the 5 satellites spread across the asteroid field to get the Minikit.

The Hunt for Jango: Minikit 4/5
This Minikit is near one of the 5 Satellites. It is easy to detect as it will be shining as shown below.

The Hunt for Jango: Minikit 5/5
After you have defeated Jango the first time, he will go to an asteroid with a tunnel. The Minikit is inside the tunnels in this asteroid as shown in the pictures below.

The Hunt for Jango: Level Challenges
Do An Alien Roll! – Use your barrel roll ability to dodge incoming homing missiles locked onto your ship 3 times.
Charged Up – Complete the level without being hit by a Seismic Charge.
Flying is for Droids – To complete this, you need to navigate through the tunnel within the largest asteroid without crashing. This is the same asteroid in which you get the fifth Minikit.