This guide shows the location of all the artifacts and how to get them in The Oarsmen area of the Midgard Region in God of War Ragnarok. Click here to see The Oarsmen complete Collectibles Guide.

1) Artifact (Stolen Treasures – Ankh)
As you enter the area, you will see the Nornir Chest directly in front of you. Climb up the wall behind the chest as shown in the picture below. Then go straight ahead and climb up the golden chain on the right side.

Then jump down to the other side. There you will have to move a giant chain as shown in the picture below. This will reveal a staircase on the left side. Climb down the stairs and you will see the legendary chest on the right side as shown in the second picture below.

Turn right from the legendary chest and go under the stairs as shown in the picture below to get the artifact.

2) Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems – The Dead Do Not Ride)
Go left from the legendary chest and open the gate there, leading you back to the Nornir Chest. Climb the wall behind the Nornir chest and this time you would find the Artifact there. It appeared after you moved the giant chain