This Guide will show you the locations of all 7 Collectibles from Chapter 7: The Past Behind Us in the game The Quarry (2022).
Also Read:
Every Chapter Collectibles Location Guide
All 22 Tarot Cards Location
The first two collectibles can be found inside the cell in Laura’s section
1 – Tarot Card #13 – The World
While playing as Laura inside a jail cell. Proceed to the cell bed and then back to the cell door. This will cause the camera to change angles, allowing you to pick the Tarot Card from beneath the bed.

2 – Hackett History Clue #9 – Scrawled Limerick
Interact with the wall inside Laura’s prison cell.

Next, four collectibles may be obtained after leaving the cell and roaming freely in Laura’s section.
3 – Tarot Card #12 – The Chariot
After leave the prison cell, walk between the tables in the hall to see this card.

4 – Evidence #7 – Cease & Desist Letter
Take the little stairway at the corner of the hall. The letter can be found on a table at the corner.

5 – Freakshow Fire Clue #7 – Charred Sheriff’s Badge
Go upstairs using the big wooden stairs and enter the 2nd office on the left. Charred sheriff’s badge is sitting on a box.

6 – Hackett History Clue #10 – Bizzare Yet Bonafide Podcast
Step 1: Go upstairs using the big wooden stairs and enter the 1st office. Interact with notice board to find a birthday card on the wall that reveals Travis’ year of birth (56).

Step 2: Enter the 3rd office and find a calendar on the wall to reveals the month and day of birth. (7th July)

Step 3: Go downstairs to the office opposite where you obtained “Evidence #7 – Cease & Desist Letter.” Interact with Travis’ computer; Laura will be able to access it automatically by entering Travis’ birthday as the password. To obtain the clue, she will play an audio clip.