The Raid On Monsaic – Oddworld: Soulstorm (Walkthrough)

Oddworld Soulstorm:  The Raid On Monsaic Walkthrough & Secret Areas

There are four secret areas in Level 1,  The Raid On Monsaic of  Oddworld Soulstorm


Secret Area 1: You can find the first secret area once your objective ‘Climb down to find a way forward‘ starts after crossing multiple monkey bars as shown in the below image. You can jump down and collect the Royal Jelly. This will unlock the first secret area.

Secret Area 2: Climb down further and continue your journey. You will get the new objective ‘Find a way back up‘, Use the pulley to go up. Once the pulley reaches the top instead of going right, climb up and collect another ‘Royal Jelly’. This will unlock the second secret area.

Secret Area 3: Continue your journey and you will find a 2nd (Second) Pulley. The next secret area location is just before this pulley on the right side. You can reach the ‘Royal Jelly’ by climbing up.

Secret Area 4: You can find the last secret area just before the end part. Continue your journey and after using the third (last pulley) to some down. You will get the objective ‘ Bash the crates‘ and you have to burn the wall using brew bottles.

For secret area climb up and get it

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