The Slicer: Meet with Aila & Disable the Anti Air Defenses | Star Wars Outlaws Walkthrough

Star Wars Outlaws: The Slicer Walkthrough

This guide shows how to complete the Meet with Aila & Disable the Anti Air Defenses objectives for The Slicer quest in Star Wars Outlaws, released on 30th August 2024. Click here for a video walkthrough.

Meet with Aila

Go to the north side of Imperial Forward Base as shown in the picture below.

From the location shown above, go in the direction shown in the picture below. After a little bit of searching, you will find a climbable wall as shown in the second picture below.

Climb up the wall and then go right. Use the grapple to jump across the gap in the ground and then enter the cave ahead. There you will find a vent as shown in the picture below. Enter the vent and climb up the ladder inside. Then proceed ahead and exit the vent.

After coming out from the vent, go right hiding behind the machines. Press the red button there as shown in the picture below. This will release some gas from the vents on the ground. Hide behind the gas and move to the room ahead as shown below. There you will find a vent on the ground. Enter the vent and exit from the other side. There you will find another vent straight ahead. Enter the vent and exit from the other side. Then enter the room shown in the second picture below to talk to Aila.

Attach the Device to the Rooftop Antenna

After the cutscene with Aila, exit through the vent. Then climb up the ladder on the right side as shown below. There you will find the Antenna to which you need to attach the device as shown in the second picture below.

Disable the Anti Air Defenses

Climb back down from the ladder. Then go left (Left direction while facing the ladder). Proceed ahead and enter the left on the left side as shown below. You will find two enemies inside. Defeat them and then disable the alarm as shown in the second picture below. Now use the computer next to the security door to unlock it. Now enter the elevator and take it to the top.

At the top level, you will find two more enemies. You can shoot them or take them out silently. Then use the computer there as shown in the second picture below to disable the Anti Air defenses.

Leave the Compound

Take the elevator back down. Proceed and exit the building from the front door. Now go straight ahead to reach the vent that you used to get into the base. The location of the vent is marked with a yellow square in the picture below. This vent will take you out of the compound. This will complete the objective.

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