This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to complete The Totoikis’ Dream: Creation in Lost Ark. This quest is available once players attain Level 38. You can learn the Frustrated emote in Lost Ark by completing the Roster Quest name The Totoikis’ Dream: Creation
The Totoikis’ Dream: Creation
The Totoikis’ Dream: Creation is available in Toto Silver Island which is located below Pleccia island as shown below. Before traveling to Toto Silver Island, do quest no. 33 of Tortoyk’s questline, “Time for Treatment,” go collect “Heart’s Melody” song. “Heart’s Melody” is one of the requirements of Totoikis’ Dream: Creation

Sail to the Toto Silver Island and speak with the Toto Elder to start the quest. In the quest, a player must help the Toto Elder hatch the Eggs of Creation. Toto Elder will you to memorize a procedure of “three spoons of sturdiness, seven spoons of cuteness, two spoons of ignorance, and one spoon of curiosity” for the Egg.

Look after Egg of Creation as shown in the Manual
You just need to complete the quest chain and get the Emote: Frustrated book. As the quest starts complete the dialogue with Egg of creation and answers correctly. Egg of creation is a small talkable Egg near Toto Elder as marked on the map. Don’t worry the player’s choices do not affect the quest’s outcome

Be Mindful of Toto Elder
After speaking with Egg of creation, head back to and he will ask you to play “Heart’s Melody” song and this will end the quest.

Finally, open your inventory and interact with the book Emote: Frustrate to learn the gesture.