Ubisoft dropped a new 20 GB update 1.4.0 for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla on 9th November 2021. The update brings 4 Tomb of the Fallen, spread across England. Inside three of the tombs (Except Manius’s Sanctum Tomb), you will find an artifact each. This guide shows the location of the three Artifacts. The use of the artifacts is not known yet. The guide will be updated when the use of the Artifact becomes known. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of the Tombs of the Fallen.
Boudicca Tomb Artifact
At the end of the tomb, you will reach a tomb grave as shown below. Near the tomb grave, you will find a couple of wooden crates in front of a hole in the wall as shown below. Break the crates and then slide through the hole. Go to the end of the path and collect the Artifact from the ground. Click here to see the complete Boudicca Tomb walkthrough.

Venutius Tomb Artifact
At the end of the tomb, you will reach a tomb grave, with a chest containing a Fallen Hero Armor piece. After opening the chest, move forward in the path ahead of you until you reach a zipline as shown in the picture below. Drop down in the pit and break the ice wall on the left side. This will reveal a thin opening on the wall. Squeeze through the gap to reach the next room. In this room, you will find the Artifact lying on the ground on the left side. Click here to see the complete Venutius Tomb walkthrough.

Cassivellaunus Tomb Artifact
At the end of the tomb, you will reach a tomb grave, with a chest containing a Fallen Hero Armor piece. After opening the chest, move forward on the path ahead of you. As you continue on the path, you will reach a door. On opening the door, you will see a broken bridge as shown below. Walk on the rope of the broken bridge to cross to the other side.

Continue ahead until you reach a zipline. Ride the zipline, and jump down midway when you reach two waterfalls on either side. The artifact is under the water, at the location where the right side waterfall is falling down as shown in the pictures below.