This article will guide you through all the objectives of the Main Job – Treating Symptoms in the game Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.
Treating Symptoms missions of the Phantom Liberty DLC after the initial mission named Spider and the Fly. The objective of this Gig is to eliminate Milko Alexis.
Talk to the Supplier
To begin this Gig, follow the green Gig icon on the map to reach the Voodoo Boys base at the Luxor High Wellness Spa. Sneak past the Voodoo Boys guard at the front door to enter inside.
Upon entering, head to the left and proceed through the double doors.
Carefully navigate to the right side door, and make your way across the improvised metal sheet bridge to access a corridor. In the corridor, you will discover a small computer room. Engage with the computer, then choose the local network option to deactivate the surveillance camera.
Keep progressing down the corridor and climb the ladder located at the far end. Kill one of the suppliers and then start a long conversation with the second supplier.
Inquire with the seller about Milko Alexis and offer some credit. He will provide us with information regarding the robots guarding Milko Alexis. Keep following the hallway straight through the open double doors towards a pair of closed double doors in the next room. Open the door, and you’ll enter a spacious arena-like room with several deactivated robots.
Neutralize the Robots (Robot R Mk2)
Upon entering, the Robot R Mk.2 at the center will activate, requiring you to defeat it. As you engage in combat, the other robots positioned around the room’s edges will gradually come to life. Your goal is to defeat all these robots.
Talk to the Netrunner / Neutralize Milko Alexis
Once you’ve taken care of all the robots, advance through the double doors located at the rear of the room. Descend the staircase, open the door, and move along the hallway to the next door. There, you’ll encounter a Netrunner who’s connected to Milko Alexis.
You have a choice: Either take down Milko Alexis straightforwardly or speak with the Netrunner. Netrunner reveals that Milko is part of a larger operation and for this, they must keep Milko alive.
Leave the Voodoo Boys Base
Whether you choose to spare Milko and trust Netrunner or not, your next step is to exit the Voodoo Boys’ base. You can simply follow the in-game marker to exit the base. After leaving, Mr. Hands will contact you to wrap up the contract.