True Love’s Caress & True Love’s Embrace Pair Rings Locations | Baldur’s Gate 3

This article will guide you on where to find True Love’s Caress & True Love’s Embrace Pair Rings in Baldur’s Gate 3.

True Love’s Caress (Cemetry)

You will find True Love’s Caress in the cemetery located north of the Grand Mausoleum in Reithwin Town. Refer to the below location. This is the same place where you meet Arabella for Find Arabella’s Parents Quest.

Head inside the cemetery and look for a skeleton on the left side. Pass the perception check and interact with the skeleton to find the True Love’s Caress Ring.

True Love’s Embrace (House of Healing)

Head to The House of Healing, though the front doors go directly to the left to the bunk room. There you’ll find the husband’s skeleton with the ring and the book that describes how they both died.

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