Tulin of Rito Village Quest Walkthrough | The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

This article will guide you through all the objectives of the main quest Tulin of Rito Village in the game The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This quest is automatically triggered during the Main Quest: Regional Phenomena.

Find Harth at the Lodge

As the quest starts you will find the marker southeast of the Rospro Pass Skyview Tower that you can use as a fast travel. But if you are starting from Rito village then jump off the broken bridge and use your Paraglider to fly to the two bonfires at a distance.

There you find a lodge named Hebra Trailhead Lodge, Head inside the lodge and talk to Harth (NPC).

Harth informs you that Tulin and the rest of the group have gone to a cave up the mountain to search for food. Climb up the ladder just outside the lodge where you spoke to Harth.

Find Tulin in the Mountain Cave

It’s highly recommended to unlock the Skyview Tower at Rospro Pass first for easier navigation. After climbing two ladders, pass a campfire with enemies to a big bonfire at a cave entrance.

This cave is called “Hebra Summit Cave” and it’s marked on the map below. NPC Laissa in the cave will tell that Tulin and others went further deeper further into the cave.

Now start following the path on the right of the cave. You can shoot fire fruits to burn thorns and clear the path. At the end of the path is an extinguished bonfire. Light it up and drop a Hylian Pine Cone to create a big gust of wind. Use the paraglider to fly up. Alternatively, you can climb up the cave wall.

Keep following the linear path forward until you come to another campfire with an NPC called Gesane. He will reveal that Tulin left the cave and you can spot him at the lone cedar tree on Tolonto Peak

Find Tulin on Tolonto Peak

Follow the path behind NPC to leave the cave and then climb up the Tolonto Peak as marked on the map to find Tulin.

Get Back Tulin’s Bow

Speak to Tulin who reports that a flying monster has stolen his bow, and he needs it back. Use the gust of wind to land on the big platform underneath the flying monster and defeat it.

Harth and Gesane arrive and request you and Tulin to investigate the storm cloud and Sky Islands near Hebra Peak.

Reach Hebra Peak

Head towards Hebra Peak by commanding Tulin to create a gust of wind to glide through the yellow platforms sticking out of the snow.

Climb to the highest point and speak with NPC Huck.

Reach Rising Island Chain

Now you need to ascend a long climbing section from this point. You can see multiple flying structures from Hebra Peak. Use Tulin’s wind ability and your paraglider to fly to the next platform.

Then fly towards the tower structure and keep climbing up to the top. On the big tower-like structure use Ascend ability to teleport up through the tower to reach Rising Island Chain

Investigate the Storm Cloud

Follow the path on Rising Island Chain until you reach a flying boat. Jump on its roof to launch yourself high in the air and use the paraglider to reach the Mayaumekis Shrine.

Also Read: Mayaumekis Shrine: Downward Force

Continue your journey by climbing up the floating structures. This is going to be a very long climb until you reach Kahatanaum Shrine. Completing this shrine to unlocks a permanent fast travel point.

After reaching the Shrine, ascend the stairs and use the bouncy sails to proceed until you reach the top of the flying boat. Continue to ascend until you reach the clear sky above the storm cloud.

These flying boats travel in circles around the storm cloud. Drop into the center of the storm cloud to trigger a cutscene.

Open the 5 Locks on Wind Temple

Upon arriving at the Wind Temple, interact with the green gate to trigger a dialogue and unlock a permanent fast travel point.

A mysterious voice will instruct you to open five locks to open the hatch on the deck. The locks are located in the middle of the ship and can be opened by powering up the five turbines marked with yellow quest markers.

1) Wind Temple Lock

It is on 1F Level. Use Ultrahand to attach an icicle to the lever of the right door. Then using Ultrahand push the lever to the left. Enter inside to find a wind turbine. Command Tulin to create a Wind Gust to power it on this will open the first lock. 

2) Wind Temple Lock

Glide down the right side of the ship (B1 floor). Destroy the wall of icicles to enter the B1 floor.

Use the Recall ability to reverse the direction of the big spinner. Stand on it to enter the next room.

Inside shoot down one of the larger icicles from the ceiling with an arrow. Use Ultrahand to connect the larger icicle to connect the two cogs. This opens the door to a room with a wind turbine. Command Tulin to create a Wind Gust to power it on.

To exit the area use Ultrahand on the lever near the cogs. 

3) Wind Temple Lock

Use the big wind turbine in the middle of the 1F main deck to glide to the top of the tallest tower in the north of the ship.Use Ultrahand ability to open the two metal gates on the roof’s floor.

Drop inside the tower. Glide down while evading the laser into the opening where the next wind turbine is located. Use a wind gust once more to propel it.

4) Wind Temple Lock

Now glide down the left side of the ship to find an opening at the bottom of the ship to reach B2 level directly. Use wind on the turbine to open the 4th lock.

5) Wind Temple Lock

Glide down the left side of the ship to find an opening on the ship wall to reach B1 level directly.

Go to the right side path and use a gust of wind to fly across the gap.

Defeat the enemy and then use Ascend to teleport through the ceiling in this room.

At the top, attach two stone plates under the cog. Rotate the cog with a gust of wind to open the door on the right. Climb the ladder to reach the wind turbine.

Use wind on the turbine to open the 5th lock.

Colgera Boss Fight

After unlocking all 5 locks, head back to the hatch in the middle of the ship. Interacting with the green gate on the main deck will trigger a boss fight.

Return to Rito Village

After the cutscenes, collect the Heart Container and speak to Tulin. You will be automatically transported back to Rito Village.

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