This guide shows you how to get the Luxurious Chests located at Tunigi Hollow in the game of Genshin Impact 3.6. There is only 1 Luxurious Chest available in this region.
Also Read: All Luxurious Chests in Gavireh Lajavard and Realm
In order to unlock the Luxurious Chest, you must accompany three Farrwicks in the southern region of Tunigi Hollow until they reach their destination, as well as solve the puzzle that corresponds to each of them.

Farrwicks #1
The first Farrwicks is near a common chest. Use a Pyro Character like Amber to light the 4 torches around the chest. When all torches are alight, the common chest will unlock, as well as a Farrwick. Farrwick is similar to a Seelie, a small green floating ball. Proceed to follow the Farrwick until it settles in a particular area.

Farrwicks #2
The Farrwicks is on top of a spiky rock, go near it and it’ll start to move. Continue following it and it’ll lead you to some enemies that you’ll need to defeat before it moves again. It will come to a halt at a different location.

Farrwicks #3
The last one is to the west on top of another pointy rock. Go near it and it’ll start to move. Continue following it and it’ll lead you to some other enemies that you’ll need to defeat before it moves again. It will come to a halt at a different location.

Once all three have been placed you can then go to the area shown below. Defeat all enemies unlock including the Luxurious Chest!