You will get the objective to find an Unalloyed Gold Needle from a woman named Gowry. This guide shows Where to find the Unalloyed Gold Needle in Elden Ring. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of Gowry Questline.
Gowry’s Location (Gowry’s Shack)
This questline starts by talking to Gowry in a small shack north of Sellia Gateway in Caelid at the location marked in the pictures below.

Talk to Gowry and he will ask you to find an Unalloyed gold needle,

Unalloyed Gold Needle Location
Unalloyed Gold Needle will be dropped by Commander O’Neil. You will find him west of Gowry’s Shack at the location marked in the pictures below. Defeat Commander O’Neil to get the Unalloyed Gold Needle. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of Gowry Questline.