This article will guide you through the quest “Unforgettable Dishes” for Day 5 of the Second Coming of Solaris Event in Wuthering Waves.
Starting Location: Second Coming of Solaris Day 5
Talk to Maqi to find out about today’s game scenario
To unlock the Pioneer Association’s ambitious project “Second Coming of Solaris Day 5″, head to the western part of Jinzhou City and speak with Maqi (NPC) at the reception about “Today’s Scenario“.

Maqi (NPC) should ask you to bring Unforgettable Dishes. Speak with her further to gather additional clues regarding the dish She will give a hit to look for the dish at Panhua’s Restaurant.

Find out about “Unforgettable Dish” from flora
Go to Panhua’s Restaurant in the eastern part of Jinzhou City and talk to Panhua. She will give you a Jinzhou Stew. Jinzhou Stew is the Dish that Maqi (NPC) was looking for.

Give the Unforgettable Dish to Maqi
Go back to the Pioneer Association and deliver the Jinzhou Stew to Maqi to complete the Day 5 quest