This guide shows how to unlock the National Pokedex & Poke Radar In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Pokemon Shining Pearl. To get the items, finish the Pokemon League, and register all 150 Pokemon to the Sinnoh Pokedex. Then go and talk to the Professor in Sandgem town to get the National Pokedex and the Poke Radar.
Finish Pokemon League
Progress in the main story, defeat all the 8 gym leaders to collect the 8 gym badges and then defeat the Elite 4 as well as the champion.
Complete the Sinnoh Pokedex: List of all Sinnoh Pokedex Pokemon
To complete the Pokedex, you don’t need to catch all 150 Pokemon. You just need to see the 150 Pokemon to register them in the Sinnoh Pokedex. Below is the list of all Sinnoh Pokedex Pokemon.
No. | Pokemon | No. | Pokemon | |
1 | Turtwig | 76 | Glameow | |
2 | Grotle | 77 | Purugly | |
3 | Torterra | 78 | Goldeen | |
4 | Chimchar | 79 | Seaking | |
5 | Monferno | 80 | Barboach | |
6 | Infernape | 81 | Whiscash | |
7 | Piplup | 82 | Chingling | |
8 | Prinplup | 83 | Chimecho | |
9 | Empoleon | 84 | Stunky | |
10 | Starly | 85 | Skuntank | |
11 | Staravia | 86 | Meditite | |
12 | Staraptor | 87 | Medicham | |
13 | Bidoof | 88 | Bronzor | |
14 | Bibarel | 89 | Bronzong | |
15 | Kricketot | 90 | Ponyta | |
16 | Kricketune | 91 | Rapidash | |
17 | Shinx | 92 | Bonsly | |
18 | Luxio | 93 | Sudowoodo | |
19 | Luxray | 94 | Mime Jr. | |
20 | Abra | 95 | Mr. Mime | |
21 | Kadabra | 96 | Happiny | |
22 | Alakazam | 97 | Chansey | |
23 | Magikarp | 98 | Blissey | |
24 | Gyarados | 99 | Cleffa | |
25 | Budew | 100 | Clefairy | |
26 | Roselia | 101 | Clefable | |
27 | Roserade | 102 | Chatot | |
28 | Zubat | 103 | Pichu | |
29 | Golbat | 104 | Pikachu | |
30 | Crobat | 105 | Raichu | |
31 | Geodude | 106 | Hoothoot | |
32 | Graveler | 107 | Noctowl | |
33 | Golem | 108 | Spiritomb | |
34 | Onix | 109 | Gible | |
35 | Steelix | 110 | Gabite | |
36 | Cranidos | 111 | Garchomp | |
37 | Rampardos | 112 | Munchlax | |
38 | Shieldon | 113 | Snorlax | |
39 | Bastiodon | 114 | Unown | |
40 | Machop | 115 | Riolu | |
41 | Machoke | 116 | Lucario | |
42 | Machamp | 117 | Wooper | |
43 | Psyduck | 118 | Quagsire | |
44 | Golduck | 119 | Wingull | |
45 | Burmy | 120 | Pelipper | |
46 | Wormadam | 121 | Girafarig | |
47 | Mothim | 122 | Hippopotas | |
48 | Wurmple | 123 | Hippowdon | |
49 | Silcoon | 124 | Azurill | |
50 | Beautifly | 125 | Marill | |
51 | Cascoon | 126 | Azumarill | |
52 | Dustox | 127 | Skorupi | |
53 | Combee | 128 | Drapion | |
54 | Vespiquen | 129 | Croagunk | |
55 | Pachirisu | 130 | Toxicroak | |
56 | Buizel | 131 | Carnivine | |
57 | Floatzel | 132 | Remoraid | |
58 | Cherubi | 133 | Octillery | |
59 | Cherrim | 134 | Finneon | |
60 | Shellos | 135 | Lumineon | |
61 | Gastrodon | 136 | Tentacool | |
62 | Heracross | 137 | Tentacruel | |
63 | Aipom | 138 | Feebas | |
64 | Ambipom | 139 | Milotic | |
65 | Drifloon | 140 | Mantyke | |
66 | Drifblim | 141 | Mantine | |
67 | Buneary | 142 | Snover | |
68 | Lopunny | 143 | Abomasnow | |
69 | Gastly | 144 | Sneasel | |
70 | Haunter | 145 | Weavile | |
71 | Gengar | 146 | Uxie | |
72 | Misdreavus | 147 | Mesprit | |
73 | Mismagius | 148 | Azelf | |
74 | Murkrow | 149 | Dialga | |
75 | Honchkrow | 150 | Palkia | |
151 | Manaphy |
Unlock National Pokedex
Once you have registered all 150 Pokemon to the Sinnoh Pokedex, go and talk to the Professor in Sandgem town as shown in the picture below. He will give you the National Pokedex & Poke Radar.