This guide shows the locations of all 37 UNSC Audio Logs in Halo Infinite. There are 4 Types of UNSC Audio Logs (The Prisoner, Outpost Intel, Infinity’s Approach, Recovered Files). This guide sorts all the UNSC Audio Logs by their type.
– The Prisoner (7)
– Outpost Intel (14)
– Infinity’s Approach (12)
– Recovered Files (4)
1) The Prisoner UNSC Audio Log 1/7: Not My Fault (Foundation)
During the second mission (Foundation), you will have to find a Power Seed for the elevator. To find it you will reach a large room with a bridge. At the end of the bridge, you will find the audio log near the power seed. If you complete the mission without collecting it, then you will have to replay the campaign to it.

2) The Prisoner UNSC Audio Log 2/7: What Was Inside (The Tower)
In The Tower mission, after activating the Gravity Lift, take it to the top of the tower. Here you will find the Mjolnir Armor. After interacting with it, take the ramp to the next level. You will find the audio log at the foot of a pillar on this level.

3) The Prisoner UNSC Audio Log 3/7: She Was Smiling (Excavation Site)
In the Excavation Site, use the gravity lift to enter the structure. This audio log is around the corner near the gravity lift.

4) The Prisoner UNSC Audio Log 4/7: Easy to Break (Spire)
You will get it during the Spire mission. This audio log can be picked up outside of the mission area. This UNSC Audio Log is located on the eastern side of the Forerunner structure as shown on the map.

5) The Prisoner UNSC Audio Log 5/7: Barely Anything Left (Nexus)
During the Nexus mission, you will come to a large hall with three power crucibles. Here you will have to find three power seeds. The large hall will have four doors. As you go through one of the doors (see the picture below) to collect one of the three power seeds, you will find the audio log in the corridor. The audio log will be resting against the wall near a weapon rack as shown in the second picture below.

6) The Prisoner UNSC Audio Log 6/7: Price Paid (Repository)
In the Repository mission, after the cutscene with Weapon (where you get the 1st UNSC Audio log of the area), you’ll get a split path in a large room to go either left or right. Head to the left path and follow the linear path to a smaller workroom. Here you will find 2nd Audio Log placed on top of a desk with a hologram of the Halo ring.

7) The Prisoner UNSC Audio Log 7/7: 42410-02214-LB (House of Reckoning)
Soon after the start of House of Reckoning, you will reach the UNSC battle training room with a mock UNSC battleground at the center as shown in the picture below. On the right side of the room, you will find the audio log kept on a table near the ramp as shown in the pictures below.

8) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 1/14: Miscommunications (Armory of Reckoning)
Take the path east of Armory of Reckoning till the end as shown in the pictures below to reach the audio log.

9) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 2/14: No Entry (Armory of Reckoning)
This one is behind the building northwest of the Armory of Reckoning marker as shown in the picture below.

10) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 3/14: Nowhere to Hide (Horn of Abolition)
Climb up the mountain southeast of the Horn of Abolition at the location shown in the picture below to get the audio log.

11) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 4/14: They Are Listening (Horn of Abolition)
This one is on top of a rock along the path east of the Horn of Abolition as shown in the pictures below.

12) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 5/14: The Ally (Forge of Teash)
Climb the mountain north of Forge of Teash at the location marked on the map below. On the mountain wall, you will find a small cave as shown in the second picture below. Go inside the cave to get the audio log.

13) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 6/14: Digging Deeper (Forge of Teash)
It is on the mountains southeast of Forge of Teash at the location shown in the pictures below.

14) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 7/14: Escape Plan (Redoubt of Sundering)
This audio log is inside the cave on the northeast side of Redoubt of Sundering at the location shown in the pictures below. Enter the cave and go straight ahead. You will find the audio log at the end of the cave, just before the exit point.

15) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 8/14: Last-Ditch Effort ( Redoubt of Sundering )
This audio log is on the top of the small hill north of Redoubt of Sundering at the location shown in the pictures below. After collecting the previous log, get out from the exit of the cave and go straight ahead to reach this audio log.

16) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 9/14: To Andrew Valeros (Ransom Keep)
This UNSC audio log is at the end of a long narrow path at the southern end of the Ransom Keep. This path is just behind the crates where you find the Spartan Core

17) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 10/14: Making Ends Meet (Ransom Keep)
The second UNSC Audio log can be found on a cliff’s edge. Look up at the start of the long, narrow path in the Ransom Keep’s southern part. You will find a grappling point to reach the top of the cliff.

18) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 11/14: A Hastily Assembled Plan (Annex Ridge)
It is above the wall on the south side of Annex Ridge as shown in the pictures below.

19) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 12/14: Hitching a Ride (Annex Ridge)
It is above the wall on the northeast side of Annex Ridge as shown in the picture below.

20) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 13/14: Trench Warfare (Riven Gate)
You will find a cave on the mountain wall west of Riven Gate as shown in the pictures below. Grapple to the top of the mountain above the cave. Here you will find the audio log as shown in the third picture below.

21) Outpost Intel UNSC Audio Log 14/14: Convalescence (Riven Gate)
It is up the mountain east of Riven Gate as shown in the pictures below.

22) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 1/12: Preparations (FOB Golf)
You will find this audio log behind a container in FOB Golf as shown in the picture below.

23) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 2/12: Captain’s Report (FOB Foxtrot)
This one can be found in FOB Foxtrot, leaning against a container as shown below.

24) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 3/12: Clearance (FOB Delta)
It is in FOB Delta at the location shown below.

25) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 4/12: Arrival (FOB Lima)
It is in FOB Lima at the location shown below.

26) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 5/12: Zero Hour (FOB November)
It is in FOB November at the location shown below.

27) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 6/12: Ingress (FOB Alpha)
It is in FOB Alpha at the location shown below.

28) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 7/12: Objectives (FOB Kilo)
It is in FOB Kilo at the location shown below.

29) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 8/12: Losing Ground (FOB Juliet)
It is in FOB Juliet at the location shown below.

30) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 9/12: Taurus (FOB Echo)
It is in FOB Echo at the location shown below.

31) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 10/12: Priorities (FOB Charlie)
It is in FOB Charlie at the location shown below.

32) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 11/12: Egress (FOB Bravo)
It is in FOB Bravo at the location shown below.

33) Infinity’s Approach UNSC Audio Log 12/12: Abandon Ship (FOB Hotel)
It is in FOB Hotel at the location shown below.

34-37) Recovered Files UNSC Audio Logs
You will get these Audio Logs automatically during the main missions.