This guide shows the correct answer for Uxie’s Knowledge test during “The Trial of Lake Acuity” mission in Pokemon Legends Arceus. For the mission, you will have to make your way to the Lake Acuity, which is on the north side of Alabaster Iceland as shown in the picture below.
Mission Description: In order to obtain the Red Chain, you must clear the trial set by the Pokemon that protects Lake Acuity in the Alabaster Iceland.

After reaching Lake Acuity, talk to Volo. After a cutscene, the Arc Phone will unseal a cavern as shown in the picture below.

Enter the cavern and defeat the LVL 58 Zoroark Inside.

Uxie’s Knowledge Test
After you have defeated Zoroark, Uxie will appear and it will test your knowledge.
Question: Combee, Zubat, Unown, Magneton, Dusclops. How many are their eyes?

Answer: 60131
Combee: 6 eyes
Zubat: 0 eyes
Unown: 1 eye
Magneton: 3 eyes
Dusclops: 1 eye

After passing the knowledge test, you will get Uxie’s Claw. This will complete The Trial of Lake Acuity.