Vanarana Luxurious Chest Location & 3 Seelies Guide | Genshin Impact 3.0

This guide shows where to find the luxurious chest at Vanarana in the game of Genshin Impact 3.0. To get this chest you need to bring three Seelie to remove the seal around the luxurious chest.

All 3 Seelies Location

To remove the seal around the luxurious chest you need to follow three Seelie and activate the three signs around the luxurious chest. The below map shows the location of three Seelie. All Seelies are on top of Big leaves.

Step 1

Head to the teleport waypoint south of 1st Seelie and climb up the wall of the mountain on the north and then jump onto the big leaves to reach the first Seelie.

Step 2

Next, you need to follow Seelie up to the Luxurious Chest. Use four-leg Sigil to reach another big leave in the southwest. Continue to follow the Seelie to reach the Luxurious Chest as marked on the map above.

One Seelie reached the Luxurious Chest, and wait for some time for the sign to glow.

Step 3

Guide other two seelies near to the Luxurious Chest to remove the Seal around it.

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