How to Clear Volcanic Hide and Seek Request | New Pokemon Snap Guide
In New Pokemon Snap, travel to the islands that make up the Lental region. There are dozens of Pokémon roaming around Lental island. The request is to take a snap Charmanders celebrating to fulfill.
- Visit the Fireflow Volcano at research level 3.
- In the large Lava chamber light up the Crystalbloom with an Illumina Orb. The Crystalbloom is on the ledge above the second lavafall.
- Now, start throwing fluffruit at the Charmander area. The Charmander area is a little ahead in the course (ahead of the rocky platform). Keep throwing fluffruits.
- Fluffruits will attract Charmanders. You’ll need at least five Charmanders for the request.
- Once you round the corner and get near the Charmanders, play the melody to attract the Chalizard flying above.
- Stop the melody in a while.

- The Chalizard will then land in the Charmanders area. All the Charmanders will jump in joy. Take a snap of the Charmanders celebrating to fulfill the request.
- NOTE: The Chalizard won’t land if you accidentally hit it with an orb earlier.

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