What Happens if You Form an Alliance with THE HUNTER | Starfield

  • Post published:September 8, 2023
  • Post category:Starfield

This step-by-step Guide will show you What Happens if You Form an Alliance with THE HUNTER. After collecting the Last Artifact from NASA you’ll get the option to side with the Emissary, form an alliance with the hunter, or get to the Unity on your own. This guide will show you what happens if you decide to Form an Alliance with THE HUNTER.

It’s worth noting that this choice won’t have an immediate impact on the “Unearthed” quest, but it will have repercussions in “Revelation,” the game’s true final mission. The individual you choose as an ally will join forces with you in an assault against the other during that mission. If you decide to reject both and encourage them to cooperate, they will unite, and you won’t have either of their assistance in the final mission. This could potentially lead to a confrontation with both of them.”

If you choose to form an Alliance with THE HUNTER then he will join forces with you in an assault against the other during the Revelation mission.

Don’t want to ally with either of them

This is the most difficult option out of the three. Instead of facing off against The Emissary or The Hunter individually, you’ll be involved in a space fight with both of them. Neither The Emissary nor The Hunter will aid in the final battle. When you reach the planet’s end and need to collect the artifacts, you have two options: kill both of them or persuade them to give up their individual artifacts.

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