Star Wars Outlaws: Eavesdropping Intel
This guide shows how to complete the Eavesdropping intel in Star Wars Outlaws, released on 30th August 2024. The intel will give you a hint that the device is hidden under a table in Makal’s Gambling Parlor.

Where to Find the Device Hidden Under a Table in Makal’s Parlor
Go to the Makal’s Gambling Parlor, which is in Mirogana at the location shown in the picture below.

Go to the main central area in the parlor and enter the third tunnel on the right side as shown in the picture below. After exiting the tunnel, turn left and you will find the Crimson Dawn Recording Device hidden under the table as shown in the second picture below. Take the device and when you get the chat option to choose from, choose “Lie” and they will let you walk away without any problem.