In New Pokemon Snap, travel to the islands that make up the Lental region. There are dozens of Pokémon roaming around Lental island. The request is to take a snap of Gardevoir to make a tree bloom with ice crystals.
How to Clear Winter Wonders Request | New Pokemon Snap Guide
- Reach Elsewhere Forest at research level 3.
- This request can be fulfilled in the winter forest section of the course.
- You’ll see a Gardevoir to the right. Hit it with an Orb.
- Gardevoir will vanish and reappear on a tree top to the right. Hit it with on Orb.
- Gardevoir will vanish again and reappear a little ahead to the right. Hit it with an Orb.

- This time Gardevoir will reappear under a tree on the left side.
- Light the nearby Crystalbloom with Illumia Orb.
- Gardevoir will make the tree bloom with ice crystals. Take a snap to fulfil the request.

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