This guide shows how to complete the “Woodland Vigil” side quest in chapter 12 in the Corel Region of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth game, released on 29th February 2024.
Also Read:
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Chapters & Side Quests Walkthrough
Side Quest (Odd job) | Woodland Vigil |
Chapter | 12 |
Area | Gongaga Village – Felicia Commons |
Quest Giver | Cissnei or Gongaga Village Community Noticeboard |
Starting Location
To begin the subquest, go to the Gongaga Village Community Noticeboard or speak with the questgiver (Cissnei). He is looking for someone who can help to defend the village from dangerous fiends.

Survey the Surrounding Area
Go south to the Observation Tower. Use the rope to climb up the Observation Tower. Use binoculars to detect suspicious movement in the east direction.

Investigate the Activity
Go to the place where you noticed the suspicious activity and defeat the Grandhorn Wardens.

Survey the Surrounding Area
Return to the Observation Tower and look at the Suspicious Movement in the south direction.

Investigate the Activity
Go to the place where you noticed the suspicious activity and defeat multiple fiends.
Survey the Surrounding Area
Return to the Observation Tower and look at the Suspicious Movement to the east direction and look for Large Shadow.

Investigate the Activity
Go to the place where you noticed the suspicious activity and defeat the Gigantoad and reply to Cissnei’s question as per your wish to end the quest.