Diablo 4: Wrack & Ruin Quest Walkthrough
This guide shows the complete walkthrough of the Wrack & Ruin quest in Act V of the Diablo 4 game, released on 6th June 2023.

Find the town of Yngovani
The entrance to the town of Yngovani is at the location shown in the pictures below. Go to the marked location and interact with the engraved stone door as shown in the second picture below.

Right Eye Location
Go to the location shown in the pictures below. Search the cultist corpses there to get the right eye as shown in the second picture below. Take the right eye to the engraved stone door and insert it into the socket.

Left Eye Location
Go to the location shown in the pictures below. Slay the serpents there and then speak with the survivor as shown in the second picture below to get the left eye. Take the left eye to the engraved stone door and insert it into the socket. This will unlock the door, completing the quest.