This guide will show you where to find all the collectibles in “Chapter 10 – Bloodline” of the game A Plague Tale: Requiem. There are eight collectibles in Chapter 10.
Also Read:
All Collectibles Locations Guide – A Plague Tale Requiem
Knife #1
Objective: Reach the fort
The knife is located on top of the first building on the right side where the first group of enemies area.

Tool #1
Objective: Reach the fort
During the first enemy encounter, you will be forced to use the rope crossbow to tear open a door. The Tools chest is located near the anchor point of the building.

Feather #1 Raven
Objective: Reach the fort
Once you reach an old temple, command Sophia to interact with a wheel while you use the rope crossbow on a chandelier to smash open a door.

Take the left path with grass on it (not the straight path) and follow it till the end and then jump down the ledge. At the end of the cliffs are the feathers.

Souvenir #1 A Rag Doll
Objective: Reach the fort
Hugo will run through a field and stop beside a tree after a cutscene. Enter the ruins beside him. Turn left and use your grappling hook to open a wall. Climb up the wall and turn right to find the Souvenir tree.

Knife #2
Objective: Reach the fort
During the next enemy encounter, take the middle paved route and enter the second ruined structure on the right side. The knife can be found on the ground (first) floor.

Tool #2
Objective: Reach the fort
Tool Chest is on the upper floor of the same building.

Secret Chest #1
Objective: Use Sophia’s prism
You must pass through a rat-infested courtyard where Sophia will use her crystal to reflect light to keep the rats away. After lighting the second brazier, instruct Sophia to use her crystal from the second brazier and walk over to the tower in the right corner. The chest is upstairs in that tower.

Tool #3
Objective: Reach the inner courtyard
Exit the tower and continue on your journey, where Sophia uses her crystal to reflect light to keep the rats at bay. The chest is located on the other side of the building in the left corner with few enemies around. The building is surrounded by rats. Steer the rats toward enemies and enter the building from the left. Take a stick and ignite it on fire before going outside to open the chest.

Knife #3
Objective: Survive the Assault
After Sophia kills Milo, there will be a big enemy encounter where you fight waves of enemies. The knife is in the right corner.