All 12 Paper Theater Puzzles in Genshin Impact

Paper Theater Challenge is a Lantern Rite sub-event in Genshin Impact 3.4. It is one of four unique games players can take part in during the 2023 installment of the event from Liyue. The following article will guide you through the game’s three puzzles.

The Paper Theater puzzles are divided into four distinct shows. These shows are:

  • Homecoming
  • Across the Mountains
  • Over Peaks
  • Adeptus Ex

The Paper Theater puzzles require players to guide an Oni to their destination by watching Oni’s movements and shifting the platforms accordingly.

Homecoming: Scene I

Switch out the positions of the pot and the doorway so that Oni walks into the door.

Homecoming: Scene II

Swap the middle trap with the rightmost object (door).

Swap the left empty space with the rightmost trap.

Homecoming: Scene III

Here help Oni reach the little girl. First swap the middle block with the rightmost block.

Once the Oni bumps into the pot and starts walking in the opposite direction, swap the middle block with the rightmost block.

Across the Mountains I

In this, you must guide the Oni through traps and gaps within the terrain. Switch the block located in the upper-right block with the path on the upper-left.

Once done, Switch the block you’re in (lower-left) with the (upper-middle).

Across the Mountains II

Switch the starting block (upper-left) with the upper-right.

Then wait for the Oni to walk into the upper middle block and switch the upper-right block to the upper-left.

Once the Oni walks back near the gap, switch again between the two blocks, and the Oni will fall into the treasure.

Across the Mountains III

Switch the starting block (lower-left ) with the upper-right block.

Once the Oni walks into the upper-left block, swap the positions of upper-left and upper-right.

After the Oni falls, switch between the upper-left block and lower-middle block.

Over Peaks I

This puzzle allows flying using the air current. Swap the upper-left block (with air current) with the bottom-right.

Once the Oni walks into the current, Swap the upper-left block with the bottom-right.

Then wait for the Oni to walk in the left direction and reach the upper-left block after hitting the obstacle. Swap the upper-left block (with air current) with the bottom-right to make the Oni reach its destination.

Over Peaks II

After coming in contact with the wind, switch the bottom-middle block to the bottom-right block.

Once the Oni walks into the upper-middle block, swap the bottom right and upper right block.

When Oni walks into the air current, swap the upper right block with the bottom left block.

Over Peaks III

After Oni enters the block with the air (bottom middle), switch the block with the bottom-right block.

Once you are up, swap the wind (bottom right) and mechanism blocks (bottom middle).

After Oni drops down and enters the block with the air again, swap the bottom middle block with the upper left.

Wait for Oni to hit the wall and enter the air again. Then swap the upper left block with the bottom middle block.

Adeptus Ex I

Wait for Oni to reach block 3 to swap blocks 4 and 2 with each other.

Immediately swap blocks 1 and 5.

Wait for Oni to return back to block then swap blocks 2 and 3.

Swap blocks and 5.

Adeptus Ex II

Wait for Oni to hit the mechanism, then swap blocks 2 and 6.

Swap 6 and 4

Swap 4 and 2 blocks.

Then immediately swap 4 and 5

Wait for Oni to drop down onto the key. Then immediately swap 5 and 2 blocks.

Adeptus Ex III


Wait for Oni to reach block 5 then swap blocks 5and 1

Once Oni enter block 2 then swap 4 and 5

When Oni turn back from block 6, swap 4 and 5

When oni reach block 5, swap 5 and 1

immediately swap 6 and 4 blocks also.


Swap 4 and 6

when oni enters block 5 then swap 5 and 1 blocks.

Swap 1 and 2 blocks.

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