This guide shows the location of all 4 Flame Missions and how to complete them in the Spiderman 2 game, which released on 20 October 2023. Completing all FNSM Requests unlocks the Crimson Hour trophy and Saving Lives suit.
1) Where Have You Been (Financial District)
It unlocks after you have completed the Main Quest 6: Amends. Go to the location shown in the picture below and talk to the fireman there to start the mission. As the mission starts, you will be controlling a Spider Bot and your objective will be to mark trapped people for the firefighters.

Crawl through the vent and open it to find the first trapped civilian. Go near him and press the Triangle button to mark him. Then go through the hole on the wall in the left corner of the room. Climb up the slope on the right side and you will reach a room with a blocked path as shown in the picture below. Fire pulse blasts on the panel blocking the path and proceed ahead. Turn left and destroy the panels ahead to find the second trapped person behind a shelf as shown in the second picture below. Press L1+R1 to move the panel. Then go near the civilian and mark him.

Go underneath the wheelchair next to the second person. Destroy the panel ahead. Then turn right and proceed ahead. Destroy the panel blocking the exit door. Then open the exit door and move ahead to find the third person underneath a panel as shown in the picture below. Destroy the panel. Then go near the civilian and mark him.

After marking the third person, turn right and jump up the blocks on the right side. You will reach an area where you can pull down the roof panel as shown in the picture below. then destroy the roof and jump to the upper level. There you will find the final person half buried in the soil as shown in the second picture below. Pull down the panel on the left side to stop the flow of sand. Then pull out the civilian and mark him for the firefighters.

Proceed ahead and soon you will reach an area with an electrified floor as shown in the picture below. Jump on the blocks to reach the opening on the other side as shown below. Proceed to the opposite side of this room and you will reach a vent as shown in the second picture below. Enter the vent and proceed ahead. Drop down at the end. When you come out from the vent, you will have to defeat the enemies. This will complete the mission.

2) Everything Burns (Chinatown)
It unlocks after you have completed the Financial District Flame Mission (Where Have You Been). Go to the location shown in the pictures below to start the mission. Enter the building and take down the cultists. Look at the photo on the table. Then use the vent to reach the next room. Defeat the enemies there and interact with the door. After this, your next objective will be to Search for Clues to Open the Door (Video Walkthrough). Scan the whiteboard and the posters on the wall. Then scan the cultist’s corpse on the floor and check their tattoo design. After you find the correct corpse, carry it to the door and use it to open the door. Defeat the enemies in the next room. Jump through the hole in the wall to reach the next area and defeat the enemies there. Scan the wires on the wall and it will lead you to a terminal. Press the button on the terminal to release the prisoners. Then defeat the remaining cultists to complete the mission.

3) I Knew You Had It in You (Astoria)
It becomes available once you’ve completed the “Everything Burns” Flame Mission in Chinatown. To begin the quest, first, take down the enemies on the roof of the building. After that, look for the opening in the wall and use it to get inside the building. To stay safe from the fire, hop up to the ceiling and squeeze through the crack at the top of the wall. Follow the straight path, defeating all the enemies you encounter.

4) It Was Meant For Me (Williamsburg)
“It Was Meant For Me” serves as the fourth and ultimate Flame Mission, meaning you should complete the other three first before you can tackle this final mission in Williamsburg at the location shown in the picture below. Disarm the four bombs and defeat all the enemies. Then a train sequence will start. catch the flying bombs and throw them on the train to derail it. This will complete the mission.