This guide shows the location of all collectibles in the Hell’s Kitchen district in the Spiderman 2 game, which released on 20 October 2023. The list of Hell’s Kitchen Collectibles is shown below.
- 1 Photo Ops
- 1 Prowler Stash
- 4 Spider-Bots
- 1 EMF Experiments
1) Photo Op: The Duel
Capture a photo of the musicians playing in front of a crowd of people as shown in the pictures below.

2) Hell’s Kitchen Prowler Stash
Go to the top of the Building at the location shown in the picture below. Scan the rod on the roof as shown in the second picture below. Then stabilise the code by holding the yellow circles inside the grey boxes. Once it’s done, pull the rod by pressing L1+R1. This will open the hatch on the wall underneath the rod, revealing a power generator.

Go to the generator and charge it by pressing L1+Square. This will get the power flowing, revealing the cable underneath the floor with an orange outline. Follow this wire to reach the second generator as shown in the picture below. Charge this generator as well by pressing L1+Square.

This will get the power flowing through the black cable. Follow the black cable and you will find a few locations with some trouble conducting electricity as shown in the picture below. Shoot webs at such locations to continue the flow of electricity. Keep following the black cable, repairing the short in the cable and it will eventually lead to a door as shown in the second picture below. If you haven’t repaired all the shorts in the black cable, then the door won’t be open. Go inside to get the Prowler Stash.

3) Hell’s Kitchen Spider Bot 1/4
It is at the location shown in the pictures below.

4) Hell’s Kitchen Spider Bot 2/4
It is on the chimney at the location shown in the pictures below.

5) Hell’s Kitchen Spider Bot 3/4
It is high up in the air at the location shown in the pictures below. Climb up the Tall building on the east side of the Spider Bot as shown in the third picture below. Then jump from there to reach the Spider Bot.

6) Hell’s Kitchen Spider Bot 4/4
This one is at the location shown in the pictures below.

7) Portside Plant Science EMF Experiment
This will be unlocked after you have completed Chinatown: Little Tokyo Plant Science experiment. For this EMF Experiment, go to the location shown in the pictures below and interact with the terminal there. Then interact with the puddle of water there to start a corrupted atoms puzzle. For this puzzle, you need to destroy the red atoms and avoid destroying the green atoms.

After the corrupted atoms experiment, go south to the marked location and press L1+R1 to catch a fish as shown in the picture below. Continue catching the fish until you catch the correct one. It might take a few tries until you catch the correct one. Once you have the fish, you back to the terminal and start the Plant Attributes puzzle.

To solve the puzzle, you need to place the Hex genes in the correct empty slot. Each side of a Hex Gene will have either 1,2,3, or 4 lines. Only the hex genes with the matching sides can be placed next to each other. For example, the side with two lines can only be attached to another Hex Gene’s side with two lines. The puzzle is randomly generated. The solution to the puzzle that I got is shown in the second picture below. Solving the puzzle completes the experiment.