Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: All Math Test Answers
This guide shows the correct answers for the Math Midterm test and Math Finals Test in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which released on 18th November 2022.
Math Midterm Answers
Question: How much damage does Water Gun do when it hits a Fire-type Pokemon?
Answer: Double damage

Question: How much damage does Razor Leaf do when it hits a Fire-type Pokemon?
Answer: Half damage

Question: What percent chance does a Pokemon usually have to land a critical hit?
Answer: About 4 percent

Question: How much damage does a move deal when it lands a critical hit?
Answer: One-and-a-half times as much

Math Finals Answers
Question: How many Great Balls could you purchase with P3000 if each one costs P600?
Answer: Five

Question: If a Water-type move with a power of 100 lands a critical hit on a Grass-type Pokemon, what will the move’s power be?
Answer: 75

Question: Under normal conditions, what percent chance does Stone Edge have to land a critical hit?
Answer: About 12 percent

Question: If a Pokemon uses Swords Dance twice to boost its attack by four stages, how much damage will its physical moves then do?
Answer: Triple damage

Question: If a Rock-type Pokemon whose Tera Type is Rock Terastallizes, what will the power of its Rock-type moves be multiplied by?
Answer: 2