Nugget of Wisdom are collectibles that you will find in the Mental Worlds. They give you Intern Credits, which allows you to upgrade your Psychic Powers. There are a total of 29 Nugget of Wisdom in the game. This article shows the location of all Nugget of Wisdom and how to get them.

#1 Loboto’s Labyrinth: Nugget of Wisdom 1/2
This Nugget of Wisdom cannot be collected during your first visit to Loboto’s Labyrinth. Visit Loboto’s Labyrinth again from the Collective Unconscious. On your second visit, you can get the Nugget of Wisdom from the central office. Burn the painting as shown in the picture below using Pyrokinesis, and you will find the Nugget of Wisdom behind it.

#2 Loboto’s Labyrinth: Nugget of Wisdom 2/2
You will get this Nugget of Wisdom also in your second visit to Loboto’s Labyrinth. The Nugget of Wisdom is in the Trashcan area. Fast travel to the Trashcan. Open the zipper teeth using Telekinesis to find the Nugget of Wisdom.

#3 Hollis’ Classroom: Nugget of Wisdom 1/3
This one is in the starting area in Hollis’ Classroom. Nugget of Wisdom is on a platform in from of the platform with the “Disgust” thought bubble.

#4 Hollis’ Classroom: Nugget of Wisdom 2/3
It is behind the bushed near the palm tree pigment in the hospital parking lot as shown in the picture below.

#5 Hollis’ Classroom: Nugget of Wisdom 3/3
This one is on the front bench in the chapel as shown in the picture below.

#6 Hollis’ Hot Streak: Nugget of Wisdom 1/4
This Nugget of Wisdom is at the top of the neon sign at the roof of Hospital-Turned-Casino as shown in the picture below.

#7 Hollis’ Hot Streak: Nugget of Wisdom 2/4
The second Nugget of Wisdom in the Hollis’ Hot Streak is inside the Records Room. Take the first left inside the Records room. At the end of the path, you will find a computer on a table. Behind it, you can see a painting. Burn the painting to get the Nugget of Wisdom.

#8 Hollis’ Hot Streak: Nugget of Wisdom 3/4
This Nugget of Wisdom inside the Pharmacy in Hollis’ Hot Streak. It is inside the secret area behind the Pillinko Machine. The second picture below shows the location of the Nugget of Wisdom. To get it you will need to unlock Dark Thoughts Mental Connection after reaching rank 30.

#9 Hollis’ Hot Streak: Nugget of Wisdom 4/4
The final Nugget of Wisdom in Hollis’ Hot Streak is inside the Cardiology. In the central room inside the cardiology, open the door on the left and go inside. Inside this room, you will see a locked room with the Nugget of Wisdom Inside (See the second picture below). You will need Projection ability to get it. You will get this ability much later in the game, during Cassie’s Collection mission.

#10 Ford’s Follicles: Nugget of Wisdom 1/1
After entering Ford’s Follicles walk a little and you will find a red switch in front of you as shown in the picture below. Hit the switch with PSI blast to create an updraft. Use the updraft to jump to the other side and get the Nugget of Wisdom there.

#11 Compton’s Cookoff: Nugget of Wisdom 1/2
You can get this Nugget of Wisdom during Round 1 of the Cookoff at the location as shown in the picture below.

#12 Compton’s Cookoff: Nugget of Wisdom 2/2
You can get this Nugget of Wisdom only during your second visit or later. It is at the top of the big signboard above the blender station. To get it you will need to unlock Dark Thoughts Mental Connection after reaching rank 30.

#13 Strike City: Nugget of Wisdom 1/1
This Nugget of Wisdom is in Foul Line Overlook. It is at the top of a water tower opposite the construction site as shown in the picture below. Jump onto the ladder to get to the top.

#14 PSI King’s Sensorium: Nugget of Wisdom 1/3
In PSI King’s Sensorium, during the Vision section of the level, you will come across an area where you will have to use a swing to proceed ahead (See the first picture below). At this location look behind to see the Nugget of Wisdom. Use the time bubble to slow down the spinning platform to reach the platform with the Nugget of Wisdom.

#15 PSI King’s Sensorium: Nugget of Wisdom 2/3
This Nugget of Wisdom is in the area where you reach to get Dr. Touch’s instruments. Right at the starting point, you can see the Nugget of wisdom across the water. Use the spotlight to switch on the rainbow bridge above the water. Cross through the bridge to get the Nugget of Wisdom.

#16 PSI King’s Sensorium: Nugget of Wisdom 3/3
This Nugget of Wisdom is in the area where you reach to find Sniffles and Tasty. In this area, after crossing the first rainbow bridge, you will see two floppy tongues. The Nugget of Wisdom is above one of the floppy tongues. Use Time bubble to slow down the floppy tongue and then use the trampoline in front of it to jump and get the Nugget of Wisdom.

#17 Cruller’s Correspondence: Nugget of Wisdom 1/1
The Nugget of Wisdom is in the final area of Cruller’s Correspondence. It is at the top of the green lamp above the typewriter as shown in the picture below.

#18 Cassie’s Collection: Nugget of Wisdom 1/4
The Nugget of Wisdom is at the start of the level. In the first room where you talk to Librarian Cassie, you will find the Wisdom of Nugget in a clamshell-shaped wall indent in front of her. Use the open drawers to reach and get it.

#19 Cassie’s Collection: Nugget of Wisdom 2/4
After getting the Projection ability, you will reach a room with a picture of a windmill on a book, creating an updraft (See the first picture below). Use the updraft to jump up and use mental connect to reach the Nugget of Wisdom placed inside a clamshell-shaped wall indent as shown in the second picture below.

#20 Cassie’s Collection: Nugget of Wisdom 3/4
During the mission, you will be tasked to find three pieces of evidence against Fannie Flats. After finding Evidence Exhibit B, you will see a rail in front of you as shown in the pictures below. Stand on the platform in front of the rail. Instead of taking the rail, look down below. You will see a Nugget of Wisdom on a hole in the wall. Jump down to reach there and get it.

#21 Cassie’s Collection: Nugget of Wisdom 4/4
This one is very easy to find. After collecting Evidence Exhibit C, you will see a Nugget of Wisdom right in front of you.

#22 Bob’s Bottles: Nugget of Wisdom 1/2
During the mission, you will enter a red bottle. Inside the red bottle, you will meet Bob, who will be floating upside down from the claws of a bird. Floating Bob will create a path for you. Follow the path. After crossing two platforming sections you will reach an area where you will see Bob floating upside down from a vine. The Nugget of Wisdom is in this area. In this area, you will also find a Duffle Bag Emotional Baggage (See the second picture below). Here the main path is towards the right. The Nugget of Wisdom is on the left side. Jump on the straw-shaped poles to reach there.

#23 Bob’s Bottles: Nugget of Wisdom 2/2
During the mission, you will enter a blue bottle. This is the third and final bottle you have to enter in the mission. Immediately after entering the bottle, turn right. Cross the water and ride the straw rail to get the Nugget of Wisdom as shown in the picture below.

#24 Lucrecia’s Lament: Nugget of Wisdom 1/3
The Nugget of Wisdom is at the top of the platform in the Flea Circus. Simply climb to the top to get it.

#25 Lucrecia’s Lament: Nugget of Wisdom 2/3
The Nugget of Wisdom is in the first quilted section. Right at the start of the section, you can see the Nugget of Wisdom at top of a tree stump as shown in the picture below. Cross the river and get it.

#26 Lucrecia’s Lament: Nugget of Wisdom 3/3
This Nugget of Wisdom is in the third and final quilted section. At the right side of the path, you will find a button sewn into the ground. Remove the button using your Telekinesis ability. This will open up a tunnel. Enter the tunnel to get the Nugget of Wisdom.

#27 Fatherland Follies: Nugget of Wisdom 1/3
As you progress in the mission you will get the objective to find an egg. The Nugget of Wisdom is inside the room next to where Propagandeer is standing. The room contains egg cups.

#28 Fatherland Follies: Nugget of Wisdom 2/3
This Nugget of Wisdom is inside the room where you will find the egg. In the room, you will find a poster of Lady Lucktopus. Burn the poster and go inside to get the Nugget of Wisdom.

#29 Fatherland Follies: Nugget of Wisdom 3/3
The final Nugget of Wisdom is in the Whispering Rocks. It is inside a cabin marked with a yellow arrow in the picture below.