This article will guide all the players on how to solve Puzzles in the Hypogeum Enigma Event for the game in Honkai Star Rail.
Prophecy Table Shallow Hypogeum Room 1-3
Prophecy Table: Room I

Prophecy Table: Room II

Prophecy Table: Room III

Prophecy Table Deep Hypogeum Room 4-6
Prophecy Table: Room IV

Prophecy Table: Room V

Prophecy Table: Room VI

Golden Scapegoat Deep Hypogeum
Golden Scapegoat #1
Command: Right, Right, Left, Left, Left5 to land on the button on the lower level.

Keep moving back and forth until the shadow falls on the button. Then, head to the left to reach the pedestal.

Golden Scapegoat #2
Command: Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right to stand on the button.

Keep moving back and forth until the shadow lands on the button. Then, drop down to reach the pedestal and end the puzzle.

Golden Scapegoat #3
Command: Right, Right, Down, Left, Left, Left, Left to reach the button

Next, enter Right, Right, Right, Up, Right.

Next, enter Down, Left, Left to drop below on the torch.

Golden Scapegoat Shallow Hypogeum
Golden Scapegoat #1
Enter the Command: Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left.

Golden Scapegoat #2
Enter the Command: Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right.

Golden Scapegoat #3
Command: Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Up.

Command: Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right.

Hand of Zagreus Deep Hypogeum
Hand of Zagreus #1
Collect 35 Whimsy coins.

Hand of Zagreus #2
Collect 45 Whimsy coins.

Hand of Zagreus Shallow Hypogeum
Hand of Zagreus #1
Collect 5 Whimsy coins along the hallway.

Hand of Zagreus #2
Collect 45 Whimsy coins.

Oronyx Miracle Room 1-2
Oronyx Miracle: Room I
Interact with the Tome of Miracles to start the challenge.

Continue to move ahead and interact with the next Tome of Miracles. Use Oronyx’s Prayer to fix the bridge and cross to the other side.

Oronyx Miracle: Room II
Head to the center platform and activate the Miracle Orb, aiming it at the wooden crates to clear the path.

Return to the Tome of Miracles at the start of the area and to Evernight mode. This will allow you to follow around the hallway to reach the chest.

Oronyx Miracle Room 3
Interact with the Tome of Miracles and shine to the left side to unblock the path to the chest.

Oronyx Miracle Room 4
Here is the article to solve the Oronyx Miracle Room 4 Puzzle