Astro Bot: Apes on the Loose Collectibles Guide
This guide shows the location of all Collectibles (Bots, Puzzle Pieces) in the Apes on the Loose area in the Astro Bot game, released on 6th September 2024.
Bot 1/10
Catching the Bots in this area is very easy as it is part of the objective. At this level, you will get a net to catch the monkeys (Bots). You can easily track the monkeys by pressing L2. The first monkey is right at the start of the level. It will run and hide in the bushes on the right side. Press R2 to catch it.

Bot 2/10
After reaching the main area, you will see the next monkey right in the front.

Bot 3,4/10
After entering the main area, go right and you will see a crate of bananas as shown in the picture below. Break the crate to find a monkey. Another monkey is standing on the platform next to the fruit crates as shown in the picture below.

Bot 5/10
Another monkey is on top of the three-legged platform on the right side of the area as shown below.

Puzzle Piece 1/3
One Puzzle Piece is under the three-legged platform on the right side of the area as shown below.

Bot 6/10
Go to the large platform on the right side of the area as shown in the picture below to find a monkey.

Puzzle Piece 2/3
Go to the large platform on the right side of the area as shown in the picture below to find a Puzzle Piece.

Bot 7/10
Go to the bushes behind the central platform to find a monkey as shown in the picture below.

Bot 8/10
Go to the small pedestal behind the central platform. Remove the slimy creature from the pedestal to reveal some wires as shown in the picture below. Pull the wires to get an explosion. Now turn around and hit the flying saucer with the explosive as shown in the second picture below. This will make the monkey on the saucer fall down. Now you can catch it.

Bot 9/10
On the left side of the area, you will see a fountain with a monkey sitting next to it as shown in the pictures above.
Puzzle Piece 3/3
One Puzzle Piece is on top of the fountain on the left side of the area. Jump up the water to get the puzzle piece as shown in the picture below.

Bot 10/10 (Specter)
Climb up the central platform. Defeat the enemies there. Then pull the wires as shown in the picture below to get an explosive. Hit the flying monkey to make it fall down. Then catch it.