Elden Ring: Assist Sir Ansbach vs Assist Leda
During step 12 of Sir Ansbach, Leda & Freyja Questline in Elden Ring DLC: Shadow of the Erdtreeyou, you will have a choice to make: whether to Assist Sir Ansbach or to Assist Leda. This guide shows the outcome of both choices.

Choice 1: Assist Sir Ansbach
Assist Ansbach and defeat Leda. You will get Ansbach’s Longbow and Leda’s Rune.
Now progress in the main story and burn the Sealing Tree. This is the point of no return and most of the NPCs will disappear after this. Advance in the story and you will have to fight Leda just before the final boss fight of the DLC. You will be able to summon Sir Ansbach for this fight as shown in the second picture below. On defeating Leda, you will get Leda’s Sword. Collect Freyja’s Greatsword, Freyja’s Helm, Freyja’s Armor, Freyja’s Gauntlets, and Freyja’s Greaves from her corpse in the area. Collect Falx Sword, Caterpillar Mask, Braided Cord Robe, Braided Arm Wraps, and Soiled Loincloth from another corpse in the area. Also, collect Dane’s Footwork and Leda’s Armor from another two corpses.

Proceed ahead and take the elevator to go up. You will find Sir Ansbach there as shown in the picture below. Talk to him and exhaust all the dialogues.

Proceed to the final boss fight. You will be able to summon Sir Ansbach to help you in the final boss fight as shown in the pictures below. Ansbach will drop his equipment after the fight. Rest at the Grace Site if you cannot find his body. Collect Wise Man’s Mask, Ansbach’s Attire, Ansbach’s Manchettes, Ansbach’s Boots, Obsidian lamina, and Furious Blade of Ansbach from his body as shown in the third picture below.

Choice 2: Assist Leda
Assist Leda and defeat Sir Ansbach. You will get Wise Man’s Mask, Ansbach’s Attire, Ansbach’s Manchettes, Ansbach’s Boots, and Ansbach’s Longbow.
Progress in the main story and burn the Sealing Tree. This is the point of no return and most of the NPCs will disappear after this. Advance in the story and you will have to fight Leda just before the final boss fight of the DLC. You will have to face Leda irrespective of whether you assisted her or not against Sir Ansbach. On defeating Leda, you will get Leda’s Sword. Collect Freyja’s Greatsword, Freyja’s Helm, Freyja’s Armor, Freyja’s Gauntlets, and Freyja’s Greaves from her corpse in the area. Collect Falx Sword, Caterpillar Mask, Braided Cord Robe, Braided Arm Wraps, and Soiled Loincloth from another corpse in the area. Also, collect Dane’s Footwork and Leda’s Armor from another two corpses.
Now proceed to the final boss fight. Here you won’t get the option to summon Sir Ansbach to help you in the fight.