Emotional Baggage is collectibles in Psychonauts 2 that can be found in each level. These are the person’s emotional baggage, which is represented as various types of bags, all of which cry relentlessly. There are five emotional baggages in Cassie’s Collection Level. In order to collect all emotional baggages in Cassie’s Collection, you must first locate the tag elsewhere in the level.
Cassie’s Collection Emotional Baggage List
Steamer Trunk
The purse tag is located in the Math area, a room with maths equations. This area comes after meeting the Librarian. You will reach this area after acquiring Projection ability from Teacher Cassie. After the fight, use the table and a stack of books on the left side to reach the higher platform( also the exit path from this room). You will find the Purse tag there.

Purse is also located in the same Math Area. Climb up on the right side of the room to find the knight and the dragon. Purse is placed on the wooden railing.

At the dock, Snake Cop will ask you to collect three pieces of evidence and for this, you need to visit three different areas from the dock. The Dufflebag Tag is located printing area. After defeating all of the enemies at the top of the area, you’ll see a locked door that can be open using projection. The tag is inside the locked door.

The Dufflebag is located on the docks. As you reach the dock area, go down to the docks on the right side and you’ll find the Dufflebag crying in the corner behind boxes. I have attached a screenshot for this.

The Hatbox is located in the Cannery area. It’s placed right behind the ink waterfall, before the door.

The Hatbox is placed on a platform in the middle of the lake. It is on the match to the market area.

The Suitcase tag location is the area that comes where you find the purse Tag. This is the second area after learning Projection ability. This area will be having books as a platform and a few of the books have windmills in them. Tag is located close to the big white pillars/columns. Use Mental Connection in this room to reach the suitcase tag or can use up-drift after passing the windmill to glide to the tag location.

The Suitcase can be found in the first room where you meet the librarian. It’s placed on top of the book stack.

Steamer Trunk
The Steamer Trunk Tag is located just before reaching the Marketplace. Just before jumping on the Marketplace area, you will find a windmill and some bookmarks on the left. Jump across the bookmarks platform to reach the Steamer Trunk Tag.

It is located in the first room where you meet the librarian version of Cassie. In the room, there is a chandelier with a globe. Navigate your way to the chandelier. Pull a lever on the ground below using the Projection ability from the chandelier. This lever will move the globe closer to the ceiling for a short period of time. When the chandelier gets close to the top, jump forward to a platform. Go to the Left of the platform/balcony to find the Steamer Trunk.