Inside Castle Dimitrescu | Resident Evil 8 Village
Once inside the Castle, you will arrive at a big Entrance Hall with a painting of three ladies, the daughters of Lady Dimitrescu.
From Entrance Hall take the stairs and go through the door on the left side. Follow the hallway, down through the stairs, and cross the door on the right towards the Hall of the Four.
At the Hall of the Four, examine the big red door with some kind of inscription. A cutscene starts here with three daughters attack and drags you to Lady Dimitrescu.

After the cutscene, you’ll be left to hang. Now, look up at your right hand and you’ll see a prompt and free yourself. Go out of the door into another room, and escape from the fireplace.
Take the Maroon Eye Ring from the statue to reveal a secret passage. Finally, take the door on the left to reach back to the castle halls.
Go into the side room of the Hall of the Four to speak to The Duke again and get your first objective.

How to Find Dimitrescu’s Chambers | Resident Evil 8 Village
Head on to the second floor via the ‘Main Hall’ stairs and go toward the right side. At the end of the corridor, use the marron eye gemstone to open a door. This unlocks a new area leading up to the ‘Dressing Room‘.
From here you have to follow the linear path only to find Dimitrescu’s Chambers.

- At the door, you will encounter one of Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters. Find your way out through the ‘Dressing Room’ to reach the basement.
- From the basement, find your way to the ‘Tasting Room‘ by crawling through the tunnel. Enter the room once Lady Dimitrescu left the room.
Castle Dungeon Brazier
- Reach ‘Hall of War‘ from the ‘Tasting Room‘. Here you have to swing the Brazier to light two torches. This will open a dungeon. Follow the linear path and take the stairs.

- Upstairs you will find one of Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters. Initially, you can’t fight with her as bullets will cause no damage to her. Find your way through the stairs again to reach the end and interact with the wooden plank.
- A cut scene starts here in which a glass window gets shattered by your bullet. From here you can fight with Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters as the cold breeze expose her. After defeating her follow the hall into the Kitchen and grab Sanguis Virginis bottle out of the tub.

- From Kitchen continue the journey into In the next hallway that takes you to the ‘Dining Hall‘. You can unlock the right-side door to reach ‘Main Hall. The second door (to the courtyard) on the left is locked.

- Head to the ‘Wine Hall’ on the second floor. Place the bottle of Sanguis Virginis in the silver holder in the alcove. That will open a door to a secret room. You can collect Courtyard Key from the chest inside the secret room.

- Use the Courtyard Key to the unlocked door of ‘Dining Hall’ and enter the Courtyard. Head through the doors in the southeast corner of the courtyard.
- Take the stairs and follow the hallway to find the Castle Map (Main), This will fill in the rest of your map. Go through the door in the “Hall of Ablution”.

In this room, you need to rotate the 3 statues out of 4 to proceed.
- Turn the statues of the two women on the right.
- Turn the statue of the three men to face the man on horseback.
This will drain the pool, and open the door. Take the stairs and ladder down to reach the basement.

Follow the linear route through the blood-filled dungeon to the other side. At the end step onto the platform in the southeast corner and pull the rope to travel up to the Terrace.

Follow the balcony to find Dimitrescu’s Chambers. After the cutscene, you can enter the chamber via the balcony door.

After she leaves the room head inside and grabs Dimitrescu’s Key from the wall. Use the key on the main door, only to get caught again.
After the cutscene, you will find yourself in a new underground part of Castle Dungeon. Now, go to the next cell, crawl through the hole in front of you.

Pull the lever to open the door and continue into the dungeon. Head to the next door on the rightmost (west) side of the dungeon as in the image.
After you’ve pulled the lever, Lady Dimitricus will chop off your hand. After the cut scene, take the cover of the pillars to loop and avoid her attacks. Finally, sprint back to collect your hand and open the door.
You may have to loop around the pillars to avoid her and escape out of the door through stairs.
At the end of the staircase, use the Dimitrescu key to open the door. Take the Mask of Sorrow from the statue to activates the elevator.
To escape the castle you have to collect three more masks. Open the below link to complete the walkthrough