This article will guide the reader on how to solve all 12 Blue Stone Puzzles in Cat Quest 3.
Long Island Puzzle
To solve this puzzle, just look at the pebbles next to each of the four magical stones. The first blue stone has one pebble next to it, the second has two, and so on. So, follow these steps to hit the stones in the right order as shown in the image below.

Code Island Puzzle
To solve this puzzle, look at the pebbles next to each stone and find their Roman numerals. Hit the stones in the order of their Roman numerals: first I, then II, then III, IV, and finally V.

Sandy Islands Puzzle
You don’t need to hit these Puzzle Stones in any specific order. Instead, you have to hit all of them quickly at once. The best way to do this is with magic. First, make sure you have the Flamepurr spell equipped. Stand in front of the smallest Stone so that all four stones are in one line. Then, cast Flamepurr to hit all the stones quickly, and you’ll reveal the chest.

Purvanna Puzzle #1
You’ll find four puzzle stones set at different heights. To solve the puzzle, hit the stones from the shortest to the tallest.

Purvanna Puzzle #2
Each puzzle stone has a number underneath, and the Watchcat gives you a paper showing the order to hit them. Just follow this sequence: II, V, III, IV, I, VI. Hit the stones in this order, and you’ll solve the puzzle!

Straits Island Puzzle
Start to run along the coast from the south and shoot at the stones you find, going in a counter-clockwise direction.

Sunset Islands Puzzle #1
Hit the stones in the order of their Roman numerals: first I, then II, then III, IV, and finally V.

Sunset Islands Puzzle #2
This puzzle is a mirrored version of the northeastern puzzle stones you solved earlier with the Roman numerals. To solve it, run along the coast and shoot at the stones just like shown in the image below.

Polaris Ruins (3 Puzzles)
There are three puzzles inside the Polaris Ruins.
#1 Polaris Ruins
Use a spell that affects a large area right in the center of the stone obelisks. Like Mage Bonney Spell.

#2 Polaris Ruins
Use Flamepurr to hit all the stones at the same time.

#3 Polaris Ruins
You need to use Flamepurr to hit the three puzzle stones that are lined up in a row. You’ll also need a fast-firing gun to hit the two stones on the sides.

Blue Totems Puzzle
Hit the totem in this order: Long Island, Lovepurr Island, Sunset Island, Twilight Island, and finally, Furry Island.