This article will guide readers on how to find all the Bounty Locations in the game Cat Quest 3. There are 11 Bounty targets in Cat Quest 3. If you defeat them, you’ll earn a lot of gold and get the ‘Domiewnator’ trophy.
1) Boar King
The Boar King can be found to the west of the locked gate on Purvanna Island.

2) Ice Pi-Rat Captain
The Ice Pi-Rat Captain is found at the end of the Ice Pi-Rat Hideout dungeon on Straits Island.

3) Oinker Chief
The Oinker Chief is found at the end of the Centuri Ruins.

To open the ruins, you need to use the two laser towers on Twilight Isles to unlock the dungeon.

4) Clawford
Clawford can be found after completing all three chapters of the Lovepurr Chronicles in Lovepurr Castle.

Once you have the books, enter the chapters and select the following options to get to the boss.
Chapter 1 – Continue Drinking > Try To Warn Her > H-H-Hey, Back Off > I-I-I’ve Got Ye Back, Miss Cat! > Defeat The Enemies > You’re Ameowzing!
Chapter 2 – Devise A Plan > Sneak Their Way To The Raiders’ Captain > W-Who Are Ye…? > S-S-Snoutford…? But I Thought Ye Were Dead… > No! Meeting Purrscilla Has Changed Me For The Better! I Will Protect Her!.
Chapter 3 – Grab Purrscilla And Escape > Squeak M-My Love, I’m Just Glad You’re Safe! > I-I’ve Always Regretted What Happened That Night… > Squeak W-What Ye Doing? Yer My Only Family Too!

Once you clear all 3 chapters, open the door and defeat Clawford.

5) Fire Pi-Rat Captain
The Fire Pi-Rat Captain is found at the end of the Fire Pi-Rat Hideout dungeon on Sunset Islands.

6) Dratcula
Dratcula is found at the end of the Eight Bit Castle

7) Necromouser
The Necromouser is found at the end of the Twin Castle Manors dungeon on Twin Islands.

8) Captain Meowtallika
Captain Meowtallika is found at Meowtallika’s Concert. To enter the Meowtallika’s Concert, get the ticket by clearing the Polaris Ruins story dungeon.

9) Captain Takomeowki
Captain Takomeowki is found in Volcano Mountain, which is story-related.

10) Pi-Rat King
To find the Pi-Rat King, first go to Furggy Island and defeat the Pi-Rat boss at the top of the island.

Next, defeat the Undying ship just off the island’s north coast.

Finally, return to the dragon corpse on the island, examine it, and defeat the Pi-Rat King.

11) Duck Of Doom
The Duck of Doom can be found sailing the open seas, usually around the Twilight Isles.

Rewards & The Thophy Location
After you’ve defeated all the bounties, go back to The Milky Barrel. There, you can get your rewards and trophy by looking at the wanted posters on the wall.