This article will guide you on where to locate all Collectibles in Chapter 2 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, which is released on 29 February 2024.
1) AP Up Materia
Objective: Where They Lead
Location: Mythril Mine – Old Republic Tunnels – Tunnel No. 1
In the chapter’s beginning, you’ll meet a group of shadowy figures wearing black robes. Follow them to a place marked on the map below and shortly Barret and Red XIII leave the party. Go over the catwalk on the right side to find the AP Up Materia near a small set of stairs.

2) Sylph Gloves
Objective: Where They Lead
Once you’ve found the previous collectible location, go down the ladder to find a purple chest in a corner.

3) Renegade’s Collar
Objective: Escape the Depths
It can be found in the Subterranean Terrace area after you gain control of Barret.

4) MP Up Materia
MP Up Materia location is marked on the map. Climb up the ledges to collect the item.

5) Bulletproof Vest
Objective: Escape the Depths
It is situated in the Eastern Quarry area. Refer to the place mentioned below. Push the mining cart to the end and climb up the ledge to find this in a chest.

6) Lightning Materia
Objective: Exit
It is available behind the iron gate that is opened for you by the other party.