FF7 Rebirth: How to Escape the Depths
This guide shows how to complete the How to Escape the Depths objective in Chapter 3 of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth game, which released on 29th February 2024. Check the video below for the video walkthrough.
When the objective starts, you will be near the vending machine in the Subterranean Terrace at the location shown in the picture below. From there, go east hugging the left wall, and climb up the stairs as shown in the second picture below.

After climbing the stairs, use the rocks to climb up the wall ahead as shown in the picture below to reach the upper level. Then proceed ahead and destroy the giant rock in the front. Then use the rocks on the wall to climb further up as shown in the second picture below to reach the upper level.

After reaching the upper level, proceed ahead and in some time you will reach a cart. Pull the lever near the cart as shown in the picture below to change the rail track. Then push the cart to the end of the track. Now use the cart to climb up the wall ahead.

Proceed ahead and soon you will reach the area shown in the picture below. Follow the tracks and destroy the giant rock blocking the path. As you continue ahead, you will see your party and there will be a small cutscene. After the cutscene, use the ladder to climb up the wall on the left side as shown in the second picture below.

After climbing up, you will reach a room with a vending machine. Pull the lever in the room to open the gate as shown in the picture below. Go through the gate and destroy the giant stone on the path.

Now go back to the room with the vending machine and push the cart there to the end of the tracks. Then pull the lever there to change the tracks as shown in the picture below. Now push the cart to the end of the tracks and drop it down at the end. This will trigger a cutscene. Now go back to the room with the vending machine. Aerith will open the gatethere. Go through the gate to complete the objective.