This guide shows the location of all the collectibles in Chapter 4 of Guardians of the Galaxy. There are 10 collectibles in Chapter 4 (4 Archives, 4 Outfits, 2 Guardian Collectibles).
You will be able to collect only half of the collectibles in your first playthrough depending on your choice to sell Rocket or Groot in Chapter 3. You will need to play again to collect the rest of the collectibles. This guide will show the location of all the collectibles for both story paths.
Selling Rocket Path
If you try to sell Rocket, the negotiation with Lady Hellbender will fail regardless of the dialogue choices you pick.
1) Archive: Drones
After the negotiation with Lady Hellbender, slide down to reach a laser drone as shown below. From the drone, turn left and destroy the hanging boxes. Then jump across and turn right. Here you’ll see an obstacle in front. Jump over the obstacle and then turn right to collect the ARchive sitting on top of a crate as shown below.

2) Outfit – Drax: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
After collecting the previous collectibles, you will have to squeeze through a thin gap. Then instead of following your teammates to the left, go straight. Jump across the platforms to reach the outfit.

3) Outfit – Rocket: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse
In the sewer section, at the first T-Junction turn left to find the outfit.

4) Archive: Unknown Ghilaron Species
You will get this collectible at the highlighted location in the Vault.

5) Guardian Collectible: Assassin’s Ring
You will get this collectible at the highlighted location in the Vault.

Selling Groot Path
If you try to sell Groot, the negotiation with Lady Hellbender will succeed regardless of the dialogue choices you pick.
1) Archive: Don’t Do It
This one is on the right side inside Lady Hellbender’s Throne Room.

2) Outfit – Drax: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
It is inside Lady Hellbender’s Throne Room at the location shown below.

3) Outfit – Rocket: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Take the elevator down from Lady Hellbender’s Throne Room to reach a tavern area. Go to the right side of this area and crouch under the crates as shown below to reach the outfit.

4) Guardian Collectible: Assassin’s Ring
From the last Collectible, proceed ahead to reach a circular room with a hole on the floor at the center. Enter the room on the left side of this area. Here you will find the collectible behind some crates on the right side.

5) Archive: Care of our Charges
From the circular room with a hole on the floor at the center, enter the room on the right side as shown below. In this room, you will find the collectible kept on the top of the hay stack on the right side.