Lust from beyond: Chapter 8 The Journey of Understanding
This walkthrough of the game “Lust from Beyond” will guide you through all the objectives of Chapter 8 – The Journey of Understanding
Objective: Follow Amanda
Just follow Amanda inside Lusst’ghaa
Objective: Explore the secrets of using Essence
Learn from Amanda how to use Essence & manage M’nags (tongue)
- Absorbe Essence: Search for the source of Essence and absorb it.
- Get Through M’nagi: Use the essence to fill obelisks that attract mature Vorh’n. Guide Vorh’n by activating the subsequent obelisks and Vorh’n will lead you safely through M’nags.
- Fill the Crystal with Essence: Collect the essence again and direct it onto the crystal to built the bridge.

Objective: Open the gate
Find the gem and place it over the pedestal to open up a path. The gem is inside a giant leaf.
Collect the Essence to make the corrupted Enthralled to follow you. Use a knife to kill a corrupted Enthralled in front of the Sporangia. The Sporangia will then feed the Enthralled making the tumor grow and complete the bridge.
Use the bridge to reach the other side and use Vorh’n to clear the paths from M’nagi (by using Essence to light up the obelisks). Finally, collect the crystal item and follow the tunnel to reach the gate. Use the crystal item to unlock it.
Continue walking with Amanda and follow her instruction to end Chapter 8